Now Is The Time To Apply For The Recovery Loan Scheme

Mar 18th 2022

The UK government started a loan scheme early last year to support access to finance for UK businesses as they grow and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. At the end of June this year (2022), the scheme is ending and so it’s vital for businesses looking to secure the funding to apply now. The Recovery Loan Scheme (RLS) application can take around six weeks to process so time is of the essence.

As we come out of the other side of the COVID-19 pandemic, loans and support measures like this one will soon be over. So it’s critical that businesses who are in need of funding, take advantage of an offer like this while they still can. Investing in your business and the further benefit from generous capital allowances of 130% means this is a fantastic opportunity that we’re unlikely to see again.

If you would like to take advantage of the RLS, we can help. Whether you’re in need of funding to help with cashflow, investment, growth or any other legitimate purpose, this loan could be the right option for you and we can help you apply for it.

One of our SME Advisors, Clive Bonny, runs an Access to Finance webinar which can help you identify the alternative routes to boost cashflow; including loan schemes like this one. Clive is an experienced fund-raising expert in alternative finance and has been supporting business continuity since 1990.

For more information on our Access to Finance webinar, or to get in touch with Clive, give us a call on 0330 333 4997.

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