Compensation & Benefits
Properly managed compensation and benefits will enable you to attract, motivate and retain talent. It will drive the performance and promote positive activities within your teams and facilitate the achievement of your business goals. Our Compensation & Benefits specialist will design a package to cover all bases.
What To Consider When Implementing Employee Benefits
When we evaluate a compensation package for an employee, our compensation and benefits specialists look at a huge variety of things. To keep things simple, see the drop-down menu below for the three main things we look at.
Our Compensation & Benefits specialists will be able to do all the research and make the appropriate recommendations.
Job Evaluation
SME Advisor gathers data, internally and externally, on the roles in an organisation and equivalent jobs in other employers or sectors. Interpreting this data effectively is key in ensuring pay structures are both fair and competitive. Job evaluation and market pricing exercises need reviewing regularly to make sure they continue to meet changing business needs, jobs and work.
Reward & Recognition
Rewarding and recognising your employees can go a long way to enhancing the behaviours and culture within the business. A simple “Thank You” can create positive energy, small gestures can promote employee loyalty. Recognising long service and celebrating achievements will enhance the positive energy. Develop greater work ethic and commitment.
Workplace Pension
Since automatic enrolment, the decision regarding workplace pensions comes down to how much the employer should contribute. Workplace pensions need to be continually reviewed in line with an ever-changing body of legislation. Employers should invest in effective employee communication and education, not only to meet legal requirements and ensure employees understand their pension and retirement options and the decisions they need to make, but also to raise awareness of the value of the benefit being offered.
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Whether you need a single one-off meeting, an on-going consultancy or an entire portfolio of documentation and advice, SME Advisor offers a bespoke service to suit your needs and budget.