Health & Safety
Using a GAP Analysis we will assess your current position to get an accurate understanding of the work that may be involved to achieve compliance this will help prevent any potential fines and/or imprisonment issued by regulatory authorities.
Free initial consultation of up to one-hour identifying key areas that need to be addressed.

7 Areas Where We Can Help You Manage Your Health & Safety
Health & Safety Policy
When it comes to health and safety, your business needs to have a Health and Safety Policy and a Health and Safety Policy Statement. Your policy shows how to manage the different risk areas within your business. Your Policy Statement sets out your commitment to managing health and safety effectively and what it wants to be achieved. Find out more on our Health and Safety policy page.
Risk Assessments look at all work processes and activities. Under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, employers have a responsibility to protect their employees, and others, from harm.Visit our Risk Assessment page to find out more about what a risk assessment is and the five steps involved in carrying one out.
As we’ve said before, as an SME, you may not have the in-house expertise for everything being in business throws at you. Our specialist services are designed to support SMEs with a variety of things. Including fulfilling the legal requirement for a business to have access to competent advice. Find out more about what else we can do for you on our Specialist Services page.
We can help you complete a safety audit which will gather information to enable you to identify and assess the risks and hazards within your workplace.
Examining existing documentation (including your insurance policy) will show what needs to be done to best attain compliance. We can help you do that too! Find out more by visiting our Safety and Compliance page.
Providing health and safety training meets your legal duty of care to protect the health and safety of your people. It can also ensure your employees are competent in health and safety, develop a positive health and safety culture and reduce incidents and ill health. Find out more about health and safety training and the areas we can help you with on our Safety Training page.
If you’re a business in the construction industry you will be required to comply with more than just the usual safety legislation. There are extra health and safety policies for the construction industry and you’ll need to make sure that you’re compliant with them all. Find out exactly what we can help you with by visiting our Construction Industry Health and Safety page.
Your Arrangements details all of the different types of work activity that you do, all the types of hazard that may be encountered and how you will manage this. There’s a whole range of things that you may need to include depending on your industry, head over to our Procedures and Arrangements page to see some examples.
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Whether you need a single one-off meeting, an on-going consultancy or an entire portfolio of documentation and advice, SME Advisor offers a bespoke service to suit your needs and budget.